CASE STUDY: Gaelic Communities Fund
Buidheann Leasachaidh Horsiadar | Horshader Community Development
Project: Slàn san Dachaigh
Gaelic Communities Fund Awarded: £9,500
Horshader Community Development (HCD) started in 2004 to manage a community benefit fund established from funds created through a wind farm. Their ongoing collaboration with local groups and providers allowed them to plan Slàn san Dachaigh, a project that would work alongside additional funding, including from their own fund.
The project, Slàn san Dachaigh, established regular events and opportunities for Gaelic use within the community. The departure of the Development Manager had an impact on the final analysis of the project. However, the project was well set-up and organised, with key local providers running the sessions themselves. This project was another that fostered a supportive environment for Gaelic speakers of all levels to build confidence and skills.
The four main sessions were:
- Club Òigridh – Offered in partnership with Comann na Gàidhlig, this club provided opportunities for local young people to use their Gaelic in an active setting.
- Cearcall Seinn – Facilitators ran a singing group which taught various Gaelic songs.
- Clann Samhraidh – Offered over five weeks in the summer, this holiday fitness club combined exercise and Gaelic language practice for local pre-school and primary school students.
- Cuairt le Chrissy – This social walk around Shawbost that provided an opportunity to use Gaelic and build fluency.
HCD planned their project around the providers in the area that had the required skills and time to commit to regular sessions. This set up ensured the success of the project during a challenging time for HCD.
The variety of sessions have provided social and supportive interactions for the community, and it is hoped that these will continue in the future.