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Community Land Scotland

Raasay Development Trust

Raasay Community Hall Raasay IV40 8PB

Elizabeth Taggart


Rasay Development Trust recently completed a 5-house development, 3 houses are owned by RDT and two are owned by Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association (LSHA). A second phase is due to start soon with LSHA building 6 more houses.

Our tenants are in and enjoying their new houses.

RDT are also progressing with purchasing and renovating existing housing stock. We are currently working on 3 properties on Inverarish Terrace which will be made available for rent and add to our affordable housing portfolio.

Wood Fuel

There is an ongoing wood fuel project to support islanders


The pontoon, which can accommodate up to 24 boats, is now open and in use. RDT are working towards purchasing the ferry terminal building to provide onshore facilities for pontoon users while also maintaining and improving the facilities for local users.

Carbon Neutral Islands

RDT is the anchor organisation for the Raasay Carbon Neutral Islands Scheme with the Scottish Government.