Community Land Festival Fringe: Aspiring community landowners
26 July 2024
Community Land Festival celebrates community landowners across Scotland. This year, the festival will also include a satellite series for groups who are on their community ownership journey, highlighting and supporting outreach and engagement. Events in the Fringe could include village hall meetings, street consultations, information sessions, and open door days.
In addition to the promotion and press support that all Community Land Festival events receive, communities participating in the Fringe will attend a briefing session on how to programme and run effective community engagement activities, and will receive support in developing their ideas.
There are 10 £150 bursaries available to support communities, which will be allocated to eligible groups on a first-come, first-served basis.

Community groups are eligible to participate if they:
- Are or are working towards being a formally constituted geographic community. This means that you will have open membership to people living in the geographic area.
- Are already working toward (with a clear path to ownership) or are very close to owning land or buildings
If you have already received money through Scottish Land Fund Stage 1 funding to do community engagement work, you may participate in the Fringe, but are not eligible to receive bursary support.
Frequently asked questions:
We’d like to hear a little bit about your plans before we approve you to take part, but on the whole, we’d encourage you to be creative with your event planning.
The Community Land Festival Fringe is focused on events highlighting and supporting outreach and engagement. Events in the Fringe could include village hall meetings, street consultations, information sessions, and open door days.
If you are hosting an event as part of Community Land Festival, we will expect you to:
* Attend a briefing session on how to programme and run effective community engagement activities
* Provide full information about the event you running, including where and when it will take place by mid-September
* Provide Community Land Scotland with text for the Community Land Festival page on its website by mid-September
* Provide a copy of your public liability insurance before claiming your bursary (if applicable)
* Use the Community Land Festival logo in your event publicity
* Participate in one of the 100 Years of Community Ownership activities
* Promote your event locally through your own media contacts, social media and local communities
* Fill out Community Land Festival evaluation form after completion of event
We may offer you the opportunity to be featured in our national or local press releases, but this will be up to you
All participating organisations will also receive the following:
* Inclusion in national Community Land Festival promotion
* Listing on our Community Land Festival web page
* Community Land Festival promotional materials and support
* A press pack to help you get your story into your local papers
We have 10 £150 bursaries for pre-acqusition communities, to help contribute towards the cost of running your event. These bursaries will be allocated to eligible community groups on a first-come, first-served bases starting 19 August.
You do not need to be a member of Community Land Scotland to receive bursary support. Decisions on bursary allocation will be made by Community Land Scotland.
Following the initial bursary allocation process on 19 August, bursaries will continue to be distributed weekly until we have reached capacity.
Please fill in the Festival Fringe Open Call for Events form online. We are running a rolling application process with bursaries awarded on a first come, first served basis. There are still bursaries available.
You can provide full details at this time, or, if you are still fleshing out your idea, simply tell us as much as you can. After submission of the form, your responses will be emailed to you.
Please note that if you put in an expression of interest, you can change your mind, it is not a binding agreement. It is also to give us an idea of which groups are interested and to help us plan.