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Community Land Scotland

Community Ownership Hub: Glasgow and Clyde Valley Year 2 Report

The Community Ownership Hub: Glasgow and Clyde Valley are delighted to publish a report on our learning from the second year of this project 2022/23.

Sharing our learning is a key part of the project. We have produced this report to inform community groups, policy makers, other organisations and anyone else interested how the work is progressing.

Our project objectives are:

  1. Raise profile, and quality of discussion, of urban community ownership and land reform
  2. Enhanced support for community groups, with a focus on early-stage groups
  3. Progress community ownership of privately held vacant and derelict land
  4. Planning innovations to support community ownership
  5. Addressing inequality and building inclusion


We are tracking progress on these objectives through our monitoring and evaluation strategy. Follow the links above to find out more about each objective.

Ailsa Raeburn, Chair of Chair of Community Land Scotland said:

“The innovators and visionaries driving forward urban community landownership are building a fairer Scotland in our towns and cities, where more land is used in the public interest, and more wealth stays in our communities.

In 2020 we launched our Urban Community Ownership Hub action research project, which has been working in depth in the Clyde Valley and sharing this expertise across Scotland. Our learning since then is that urban communities are extremely interested in, and skilled at, delivering fairer and more sustainable land ownership and use. There is much more in common amongst Scotland’s communities, both rural and urban, than what sets them apart.

We have identified several policy priorities for change, to grasp the potential of the significant community interest in land ownership in the Clyde Valley and what this could deliver for those communities. These policy priorities have been refined as we have deepened our work and are now put forward as a manifesto for change.”
