Urras Sgire Oighreachd Bharabhais (Barvas Estate Trust)
- Urras Sgire Oighreachd Bharabhais (Barvas Estate Trust)
- Western Isles
Barvas Estate Trust Office The Old School North Shawbost HS2 9BQ
Urras Sgire Oighreachd Bharabhais (Barvas Estate Trust) is a community company set up to purchase 34,580 acre Barvas Estate Land and Hatchery in April 2016 on behalf of the people of Barvas.
The process began in 2004. A Steering Group was set up when the absentee owners of the estate were involved with an international company who were hoping to erect wind turbines on the estate for renewable energy generation. The local community only became aware of this proposed development at the planning permission stage which was subsequently refused. The Steering Group went on to become a registered Community Company on 5th March 2010. In June 2013 the Community Company received a letter from the Estate Factor offering to sell the Barvas Estate to the Community. After a long process the sale of the crofting land and hatchery went through on 16th April 2016. However, Barvas Estate Ltd retained the rivers and lochs and these have been subsequently sold to Reith Ecosse Ltd.
Within the Barvas Estate we are the landlords for the shooting rights which are leased out to Reith Ecosse Ltd and our Trading Company, Urras Bharabhais (Trading) ltd, own and lease out the hatchery.
Our Mission
The purposes of the organisation are:
- To manage community land and associated assets for the benefit of the Community and public in general.
- To provide, or assist in providing, recreational facilities, and/or organising recreational activities which will be available to members of the Community and public at large with the object of improving the conditions of life of the Community.
- To advance community development, including urban or rural regeneration within the community.
- To advance the education of the Community about its environment, culture, heritage and/or history.
- To advance environmental protection or improvement including preservation, sustainable development and conservation of the natural environment, the maintenance, improvement or provision of environmental amenities for the Community and/or the preservation of buildings or sites of architectural, historic or other importance to the Community.