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Community Land Scotland

Making Scotland's Land Ownership Fairer

Scotland has the most unequal landownership pattern in the developed world, with half of Scotland’s privately owned land owned by 0.008% of the population. This concentration in landownership has an adverse effect on Scotland’s communities, making it more difficult to stem depopulation, tackle urban decline and stop wealth leaking out of communities.

Since the Scottish Parliament was established in 1999, a series of rights for communities have been introduced. These include the introduction of:

The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 also made Scotland the first country in the world to set out landowners’ responsibilities as well as their rights.

Land reform in Scotland is often described as a journey. It’s one that we are still on, with a new Land Reform Bill and Community Wealth Building Act set to be introduced in this Parliamentary term.

We have a huge opportunity this year with the introduction of the Land Reform Bill. We need to make sure this legislation delivers the conditions we need for further community ownership and to break up monopoly landholdings.

There are also opportunities to refine implementation of existing legislation to improve conditions for prospective community owners and to make it fundamentally easier for communities to buy land and assets.

We are advocating for a robust and ambitious Land Reform Bill which delivers the following legislative changes:

Land Reform Resources

Land Reform News

Position paper on ‘Green Finance’

Today we publish our position paper on ‘green finance’ and natural capital which highlights concerns around the implications for long-term land ownership and use and for future community ownership, alongside the long-term viability of carbon offsetting.

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